Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Nuclear Summit 2010

Will the Nuclear Summit 2010 get the World rid of Nuclear Weapons?
Having succeeded in bringing radical change in the age-old healthcare system at home, President Barack Obama has caste his glance at the international issues. The stated reason of this 47 -nation summit is to keep nuclear arms out of the hands of terrorists. But there is a second equally important reason to convince powerful states like China to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran, which is believed to be working towards producing nuclear arms. Nine countries in the world possess nuclear weapons and thirty eight other countries store or produce enriched uranium and plutonium . The magnitude of their nuclear storage is enough to make more than 100000 nuclear bombs. It is reported that there have been 18 classes of weapons grade uranium theft since 1993. Authorities in this issue point the finger at Russia, the former Soviet republic s and Pakistan. Many important heads of states participated in the summit but North Korea and Iran were not welcome where the envisaged preventative action is pretty much against them. Israel Prime is supposed to think that he would not be able to give the satisfactory answers regarding the nuclear stance of his country. Peaceful world leaders want Israel to get rid of its nuclear arsenal. If it is not done, Iran will not stand away from it.
Singing historic Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with the Russian Federation on April 08, 2010 in Prague president Obama opened up relations with the Russian Federation which signals the turning point on foreign policy of Oabam administration. Holding summit of 47 heads of states and government from April 12-13, on nuclear security President has made significant progress towards achieving a nuclear free world and ambitions program. This summit is the first of its kind and no president has ever hold such summit on nuclear security since talks on reduction of nuclear arms that begun in 1970s. this was the biggest ever gathering of the heads of states and governments conveyed by Obama administration since the establishment of the united Nations in 1945. The summit on nuclear security was the continuation of historic Security Council summit hosted by President Obama on September 24, 2009 in the United Nations. Apart form five permanent members ten rotating non-permanent members of the council except Gaddafi of Libya attended the summit. It adopted unanimous resolution 1887 which committed to the goal of a world without nuclear weapons and to ensure nuclear safety and security. The nations participating in the Washington summit agreed to swap information to prevent illegal nuclear materials trafficking and supported the implementation of strong nuclear security practices.
The initiate bore some concrete fruits. Several states have agreed to surrender their nuclear materials For example, Mr Viktor Yanukovich, the Ukrinina president declared that his nation would get rid of its inventory of highly enriched uranium. Present Obama expressed pleasure with this decision because it would greatly help international efforts to keep these materials out of the hands terrorists. But Russian president Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with Russian national daily Izvestia described the nuclear security summit hosted by Barack Obama in Washington as the ‘most unarguable. The issues that united us were so obvious -nuclear terrorism cooperation in countering countries that are trying to obtain technologies by illegal means. Obama’s invitation brought together an impressive declaration that his nation would get rid groups of world leaders that concerns the common future of mankind.
The participating nations ‘ welcomed and joined president Obama’s call to secure all vulnerable nuclear material in four years as they work together to enhance nuclear security. We must take into account that the world possesses so much nuclear arms and weapons but still about half of human beings go to bed without having anything. Thousands and lakhs of children die without treatment in Asian, African and Latin American countries. Unemployment, drug addiction, women trafficking, corruption, child labour, child soldiers slap the so classed present civilization of the globe. The environmental hazards have engulfed the entire globe threatening our existence on this planet. In this critical juncture we cannot afford to show nuclear race. Who will keep these racing nations away from their wring paths? Only Obama cannot afford to do so. But he has at least initiated showing a difference of his predecessors. He deserves global thanks.
France, China, Britain , Israel , India and Pakistan are known to have nuclear weapons while the United States and Russia hold 90 percent of the world’ nuclease arsenals. Incidentally Israel, India and Pakistan did not sign Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty till today but they participated in the summit. We have reason to have doubt about the secure future of using nuclear materials. Review of the progress or failure of this summit would be determined in the second summit to be held in Seoul, South Korea in 2012. Let us see how much successful it will be.

Md. Masum Billah
Senior Manager: Brac Education Programme, PACE
Brac Head Office, 75, Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212.
Phone : 9355253 (res)< 01714-091431(cell)

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